måndag 24 januari 2011

The art of being freaky

Sometimes I get so disappointed with myself when I see something cool, think of documenting it with the camera but still just walk passed it an spend a week after regretting it. I've been better, I went out to document the foggy morning and then the very white morning in Sandviken. But there are SO MANY MORE OCCASIONS I should have done the same.

Last Saturday for example. There was this Gipsy Jazz Swing Orchestra playing some hysteric Django Reiherdt alike music. No guitars though but accordian, some stringinstrument I don't know the name on and a contrabass. Three tiny unwashed boggers but damn they could play...

The reason we were down town was to get some input to a future demo/record cover, checking out the cenmetary here to find some cool statues or figures. Nothing really cool though more than a really scary statue of a praying kid. We'll see what we can do about that one.

Then it was time for a Cult Of The Fox rehearsal in Malmö. We drove down and Peter stayed. I took the train back home and arrived just before midnight. Jumping off the bus I met an amazing sight, it was a little misty but the moon was almost full and with the mist, street lights and everything it was a really fascinating act in the sky. Of course I should have used a camera support but I brought that to Malmö adn wasn't really up for carrying it on the train... So the focus could have been better but I think they turned out pretty cool anyway... I don't think the rest of the people getting of at the same bus stop saw the beauty in it all though. All went straight over to the other side of the road walking significantly faster than before I decided I jsut HAD to take some pictures of the moon.


NP: While Heaven Wept - Vast Oceans Lachrymose

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