onsdag 1 oktober 2014

Happy midweek for me...

And yes, I've earned a good dinner today. Had done half the weeks hours yesterday already. Long day today as well and after this it's straight back to work again. Ok, not the office but work from hotell it will be. At least I will be home on friday and if everything flows, hopefully I can take a few hours off and work on VOID MOON and METAL KAOZ stuff!

I've been stuck in the AC/DC biography written by Mick Wall the last few weeks. I sure love the way he writes and his language... It really inspires me to put more effort in what I do, to get better. Energy is lacking sometimes though. But I can really recommend his books, the AC/DC one was translated to Swedish so some of the grace was lost. Still very good. Now I'm on to Symptom of the Universe but since I've been reading lots of Sabbath books lately I really should have taken the Metallica book Instead...

Well, food time now!

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