måndag 21 september 2015

Cat scratch fever

Yep, the kittens has been with us for 6 weeks now and they grow like crazy. Of course they should since they eat like a small Horse. Then they wrestle, chase eachother, fight and play. And sleep of course. Sometimes I wake up because I can't breathe properly just to realize I have a cat over my mouth and neck. Maddox is still very light but Tipton starts to get rather Heavy.
Peter's parentes visited with Hugo (their cat) to see if they all get along. Hugo is very shy so even our tiny furballs scared him for real... No problems though and that's nice. It's worse with the neigbours cat though. She don't like them at all and keep slamming on our kitchen window as soon as she sees Tipton or Maddox.
So now it's a challenge to keep our cats in and the other one out. She still come over for dinner though and that she can continue doing for as long as she likes. Pussy Salmon and Tuna is a Favorite and those portion bags are cheap in Borås so it's just to boost up.

Mr Postman wasn't nice at all the last weekend, no new records at all... Ok, it's not like I'm dried out on new music but I would have wanted the latest Europe release since I'm going to see them on Wednesday. Also, Wasp is coming up next week and it would have been nice to listen to their new release. Hopefully I'll have a huge pile waiting for me coming home Friday.

Cheers E

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