lördag 18 april 2015

Raking the Lawn

Ok... This I'm going to feel tomorrow. Didn't think I would be that worn out by cleaning the winter away from the garden.  But it sure takes a lot of energy. Felt good though but my arms feels like spaghetti now.
It's just the big hedge left for tomorrow and the last part of the driveway. Hopefully the neigbours cat will hang around Tomorrow to watch also. It's nice to have her hanging around. And a good deal for a break also, to cuddle a little with the cat!

But it's great that there's nice weather and good to be outside, finally!
Tonight it's time for BBQ again so I stopped by Gunnaröds yesterday to pick up some eco Meat.

And next weekend it's time for Keep It True. Really looking forward to that!


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