onsdag 1 juni 2011

What the hell happened???

To start with, a few packages filled with records has arrived during the week! That's always nice... But I'm actually a little surprised over what I've been buying lately.

First, one must have though. The Godfather of Heavy Music Mr Iommi has done it again. With Heaven & Hell he and his band mates proved that NOT A BAND IN THE WORLD can touch them when it comes to write dark and heavy music. Bands have tried but still noone even come close to the feeling delivered on "The Devil You Know".

Iommi didn't really need to prove anything though, he will always be the master of the six-strings!!! And there's not many as cool on the Organ as Jon Lord... Ian Gillan thogh, he's been looking like a drunk Bobby Ewing in pyjamas n stage lately and it was LONG ago he convinced me he still had it. (One thing he shall have though is his performance with his solo band Gillan during the "Toolbox" tour in 1991 which I still hold as one of the best concerts I ever seen, take Borlänge or Uppsala, both were equally good)
But when he sings like he does on "Out Of My Mind" GODDAMN!!! Amazing! So the Whocares project is absolutely worth checking out. Just a shame Ginza cut the 7" from my order without even sending a bit of information...

The little more odd choises for my lastest purchases is Heaven & Hell "Neon Nights Live at Wacken".
Not that Heaven & Hell is strange but I'm not very found of live albums. But this sure is a nice documentary of their time together and I still get sad when thinking of Dio. It still feels surreal that there never will be a new Dio album out, that the big voice has silenced for good and that over a year has passed since he left. R.I.P Ronnie!!

The next one on the same order is Deep Purple "Phoenix Rising". The history of the Mark IV era. Tommy Bolin and that line up has always been too funky for me but I have to give them cred for this album. It really sounds awesome. Just my damn vinyl player that can't manage the volume... I seriously need a new one, and that's NOW!!!!

Maybe this shopping spree was an outcome of my recent adventures on stage and the inspiration to play guitar again. I really hope I can keep this up and channel the inspiration (and find time and energy to go to the rehearse room and play) into something creative. It feels really amazing that both Void Moon and Cult Of The Fox gets really good feedback!! That is very cool!

Now it will be a nice and long weekend, a well deserved rest I say! Some adventures are to come, gonna be fun!


NP: Zero Illusions - Oblivion

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