tisdag 28 december 2010

Brighter than White

So, Christmas eve passed another year and I headed Northe! I was already aware of the chaos that was to come since that was all they talked about the days prior to my trip to Sandviken. Ok, it wasn't so bad for me, one broken train and an extra roundtrip through Dalarna (It really shouldn't take 3½ hours from Örebro to Sandviken...) I jumped off the train about 2 hours after schedule. Not that big a deal.

There was just time for a quick meal and then off to bed. Really nice to be served dinner and a glass on wine and then just hit the bed. I woke up quite early next morning and watched the sunrise. Stupid enough I didn't get out until a little later. The sun barely makes it over the trees at mid day but the light is amazing.

The sun is absolutely pink or apricot coloured in the beginning and the sky goes from pink through yellow to steel blue. That never happens hare. Absolutely beautiful but of course really cold and VERY snowy!

It was like the old days really, when the snowdrifts are so high you can't see passed them and the roads so narrow it's almost impossible to meet. Ok, THAT happens here too, the road being blocked but that's not because of the amount of snow, that's the society people who still doesn't realize it actually snows in Sweden at winter, NO MATTER WHERE...

The temperature was between -15-20C for the first few days and the snow kept falling. It was so white and bright outside my eyes was actually hurting just by looking at it all. Sometimes it's hard to see anything because it's so bright. But it's nice, I like snow!
My dad wanted to go to the Cemetary to put a candle on my grandparents grave. I've hardly been there so I thought it was a good thing to find out where it is and send them some thoughts for the holiday. Easier said than done. It was just as much snow there too, only the really big stones was visible but my dad knew about where to go and I started digging. First I ran into a stone, then a hedge. Try a little to the right my dad says and a few shovels later I find another stone. It was about 50cm of snow on top of the stone. But it was the right one and I think that's quite impressive to actually find it!!!

It's not so fun to shovel snow each and every day though. Ok, now I knew it was just for a few days so it was ok. And the snow was light so that wasn't such a big deal but it wouldn't be so much fun to do this every day of winter... So, sometimes a rented flat is the thing!

After a few days being spoilt by my parents, eating and drinking good (I must have been quite nice this year because Santa visitied too but more on that some other time) and just having a relaxed time.
I kept checking the train from Gävle and that was on time. What I didn't check was the one from Stockholm, which of course was cancelled... Replaced by bus! Not too much fun to travel all hte way with a full bus. But better than be stranded in Stockholm. A +60 gentleman takes the seat next to mine when the driver announces the stops time after time in the speakers (at this time we were almost two hours delayed), the bus going to Herrljuna and Uddevalla. The guy asks me if the bus is going to Sundsvall and laughs. -Yeah right I say (the driver is still saying the towns south). No, it's going to Herrljunga... -Well, you know he continues, you need to be careful what seat you choose because it's not fun to sit all these hours beside a fat guy... WHAT?
At Södertälje Syd he realizes the bus isn't going to Sundsvall and gets off there... He tried to blame me for telling him the wrong thing. I thought he was joking since the driver asked time after time if we wanted to hear the stops again and he kept repeating them.
Next stop Mariestad, quick and easy, Skövde up! No problems on the way in. On the way out the bus gets stuck in a turn, coudn't get under the bridge and not back up to the main road either. Takes a while and a plow comes to our rescue. Small roads to Falköping just to realize the ONE person going there jumped the bus in Skövde. Even smaller roads to Herrljunga then but first a missed turn and 15 minutes off to nowhere, gas-break and some food... Got home 6 hours later than planned... But ok, I got home safe and had two seats to myself in the bus so it could have been worse!

Now I'm out of office until after newyears, that will be awesome!

NP: Y&T - Facemelter

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