onsdag 9 december 2015

Cats in the Cradle

Cold is getting better! It must be because of all the shopping I've done to comfort myself. Really need that Recordshoppers Anonymous meeting now! I will have some packages to pick up when I get home on Friday.

This week has felt extremely long and it's just Wednesday today. Still two more days to work.  Or work... Meetings all day for two days now. Really should need a little time of my own to finish the last few activities before Christmas.

The other day when I was home ill, working from home the cats were extra cozy and slept in all possible places and positions. So cute! They make a whole lot of mess but they're also much fun and good company.

Tomorrow I'm visiting Uffe to trade some records. I'll get some goodies for sure. And Uffes special Chili!


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