lördag 5 mars 2011

Last day of winter

Well, I guess it's too much to say that the winter is over but at least it was for a few days for me... But more on that later.
Last weekend me and Peter visited my parents in Sandviken. Damn they still had A LOT of snow up there still. But I really think I prefer that compared to the ice skating streets we have here. It sure is a pain to walk when the streets are covered with ice.

But I managed to get to the station on time for the train Friday afternoon and everything seemed fine. No delays or anything. I partied away, celebrating pay-day and bought myself a Pondus comic book. It's really funny that magazine. Can be a bit embarrasing from time to time when I can't keep myself from laughing out loud reading it. Hilarious that comic, Pondus.

Friday treatment

Everything went smooth with my trainride but I didn't get any updates from Peter, he was flying instead since it's a little tricky and far more expensive to go by train from Malmö to Sandviken. He was scheduled to arrive in Gävle at a quarter to nine in the evening so I went there hoping everything was ok. It was and he turned up, apparently he'd forgotten the code to his cellphone and couldn't really start it again after the flight.

Mio the Cat sure is a cutie

Well at my parents place it was time for dinner and a glass of wine. Just a nice and relaxing evening. I needed that after all hard work during the week before. Then, when it was time to sleep, Mio the Cat had already occupied my bed. That is one of his favorite spots to sleep on. I tried to push him alway gently but he just stretched out a little more looking even more comfortable. It felt really mean to lift him up and carry him to another of his spots but I had no choise really. Then he just stood there and looked really surprised.

Sleeping the days away

The next morning he was meowing outside the door wanting to get into my bed again. But with me and Peter in a 90cm bed there's really no space for a big cat. So he had to wait until we got up before he could reclaim the bed.
After breakfast we took the opportunity to go to Gävle for a short trip. I had a few things to purchase and it's always nice to look through some records. Especially since there's NO recordstores what so ever in Borås. Ok, Skivlagret (which when bankrupt a few weeks ago) but no second hand or so anymore. We didn't do any real catches but found a few cheap ones at least. The cult store Petter & Lottas had sadly enough a closing sale but most was gone already. I bought some studbelts but they turned out to be really bad and the first one broke after just one day's use. Lucky they were really cheap!
Then Peter has an idea of collecting signs with his name on. Well, him in a picture with the sign that is. In Gävle there's a store named just as his cat, Strumpan... Right in the middle of payday Saturday with loads of people out on town we took the opportunity to shoot a pic. People were looking a little and Peter's comment was... Well, it felt ok until I realized there was ladies underwear in the window behind him!

Absolutely normal

But it was nice to be back in Sandviken for a while. Not that I miss it particularly much but it felt nice to be "home" and it felt just as good to travel away after a weekend. I miss the spontanious visits to my parents though.
Sunday lunch we took the train to Arlanda together. We had enough time to have a nice dinner and a fruity smoothie before our flights, Peter going back to Malmö and I'm heading really far west. I had a business trip to Sao Jose Dos Campos on my schedule. Need I say Peter was a little jealous of me getting away from winter even if it was just for a week.

A lemon flu fighter was nice

Even if I was thrilled about going to Brazil, the flight over the pond didn't lure a lot. 12 hours on a flight is hard...


NP: Villain - Only Time Will Tell

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