It has been an utmost good time for record shopping lately. Even if the Record stores sadly closes one after another around here and most deals need to go over eBay it happens on occasion that real bargins can be made. The same day I went to India (more on that later) me and Peter went out to have breakfast and do the last shopping round for the trip for me we decided to take a trip to Skivesset. They have a steady stream of incoming records all the time. A lot of new CD's with some odd bands. Probably reviewers who sell the nowadays quite rare physical albums after the review as been done. But that's normally it.
This day we scanned through the CD's, dug out a few and went to the vinyl section. There has NEVER been anything interesting up on the wall ever at that place. This time though, which I first missed, the whole midsection was filled with goodies, Íron Maiden "Genghis At The Ruskin" and the Noise classic collection "Death Metal" for about 1/5 of the price you normally (if you ever) see them for. Then of course a lot of other goodies, all in shape as brand new. Some even looked brand new and all to a really fair price. Peter picked the major part of this bunch though since I had changed almost all my money into Rupies...

When I got back from India I could go straight to the post office and pick up the next package. Trans-Siberian Orchestra vinyl box with Nightcastle and Beethoven's Last Night and a massive 12" book. Very nice. The new UDO "Rev-Raptor" fan pack was a step up from the last one but still it could have been better. Last time though the box itself was very similar from the ones you get from the shoe store. The "Rev-Raptor" box was really steady at least. But the belt, buckle and bottle... I don't know. The cover really isn't the best UDO artwork and it didn't translate very good on either Metal or Fabric. The bottle was very small... No fun bringing that along...

And then, after the Midsummer party in Falkenberg (more on that later too) we stayed at a flee-market which we have been driving by time after time. Normally it is closed and since this was a very red day we didn't have much hope that it would be open now either. But it was and we dug through the vinyl. He actually had some really good ones, a lot of high quality bands and not only the nice price and regulars that are available everywhere... And all to very decent price. I suppose it will be more rounds there in the future.

The only issue now is the vinylplayer. It really has seen its best days and since the receiver doesn't have a phono connection there's a shitty Riaa-amp in the middle too. Not the best combination. Just need to figure out what to get and where to find it. I think we settled for one semi-automatic at least but there's still very much to choose from. Any suggestions anyone?
On the India trip I decided I was going to read rather than watch stupid movies on the flight. Ok, I couldn't resist Gnome & Juliet when it was dinnertime and it sure was hilarious... But the most other part of the flight I dug into the book about David Byron "Born To Perform". It's fascinating how much a book can affect. And how interesting something get when you read about it. Ok, I'm a big fan of Uriah Heep, both old and new but I haven't paied much attention to David Byrons solo albums or his work after Uriah Heep. It will be a change on that now. Very interesting book, that's for sure. Great writing by Jeff Perkins.

So of course, because of this book I've been listening to Uriah Heep. Even if I really like the albums they got even better after reading about them. So now all I want to listen to is Uriah Heep. A little bad timing because it would have been better in September instead when they are playing here... But I guess I can try to recharge then again! Until then I'll place an order for all deluxe-remasters from Ginza. A lot of extra features on these and high quality too, I have a few already...

NP: Uriah Heep - Wonderworld
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