Well, the cat really don't like it when I bring out the camera. No matter if it is the real one or as here, just the one in my phone. He looks so bothered and annoyed after 1-2 pics. This time I was a little bit lucky (or he was extremely tired) so he stayed on the couch during the whole session. Normally when I tried to work with this hostile little model I get a paw-slap from him after a while. even if he's a small cat the power is still fascinatig.

Now the cat is with Peter's parents out in their summer cabin. He likes that. Then he can be outside smeaking on flies and dry leafs. He really is terrified about everything that moves and is a little bigger than a fly. Sparrows are terrible you know...
I never thought it could be so empty when he's not home. Even if he sleeps most of the time he is great company. A little annoying sometimes though. I normally snooze in the morning when I get out of bed. To pause the alarm on the clock is one thing. To try to paus the cat is another. He really do his best getting me out of bed in the mornings when he's here meowing, scratching doors, stepping on me, poking me and it's impossible to say something to him when he just look really happy and playful doing all of this...

NP: The Rods - Wild Dogs
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