Well, the list of 2010 should be done by now but I'm still twisting and turning it around. At the moment top five is Accept, Iron Maiden, Jon Oliva's Pain, Overkill and Tank but I still haven't decided on the order. I doubt any other album can move them down though, but who knows...
I was a little chocked when going through the list, I've bought 324 titles this year, of those 91 one was released in 2010 and the list of selection will include about 55 of those... The rules you know, full length studio albums. No live albums, best of's, EP's, Re-issues... And of course, the album must be in my possession to be able to be listed as well. What makes it a little tricky is that Peter has bought a lot of records as well and since we share the flat, his Records I can list too!!! So in all it should be about 75-80 new full length albums... Gonna be a tough one this year. And there has been A LOT of good releases!!!
But the list is updated...
Number 666
Fragile Art Of Existence. Chuck Schuldiner is never wrong, impressive peice of music. Chuck was a genius and it's hard to believe he's been gone for nine years. Way too soon, that's for sure. R.I.P
Number 1000
Lock Up The Wolves. I don't think anyone could have imagine how big impact his passing should have on the scene and how affected everyone who's been a fan actually was. Sure, all needs to go sometime but I don't think anyone thought Dio would be the first. R.I.P Perhaps this isn't his strongest release but it sure includes some really nice tunes, the title track, "Night Music" and "Why Are They Watching" Me to mention a few.
Number 1666
The Soundhouse Tapes. No not the original, I don't have that one... I have two good copies, one Dutch and one UK and then one on Blue Vinyl with laundry instructions on the label... Has anyone the original for sale? LET ME KNOW!!!
Number 2000

KING DIAMOND - The Eye. King has never done a bad album, PERIOD!
Number 2666
Enemies Of Reality. Now Nevermore is one of my absolute favorite bands and I really like this album. I was disappointed on the production when it was released but I don't think the remixed version was better. No matter what, Andy Sneap's production is needed for this kind of music.
Number 3000
Rage For Order. Well, nowadays I can say I like Queensryche but it's been hard to convince me. I think American Soldier was ok but not at all as good as their glory days. This album is my least favorite of the classics, I will NEVER get over the "Close To You" video. Geoff is an amazing singer but he still gives me the creeps.
Number 3666
Sodom. A smack in the face album, brutal and raw as hell. Still with the great songs Sodom always has. One of my later days favorites, that's for sure. I like the new one too but it's too clean, Sodom must be filthy and MEAN.
Number 4000
Unplugged. Another of my favorite bands! "Manic Frustration" is one of the albums I've listened the most to ever. Perhaps not the most necessary record in the collection but it's still cool. I still haven't decided if Kory Clarke is a worthy replacement after Eric Wagner though.

NP: Spellbinder - Fractured Mirror ...a Twisted Tale
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