The worst thing with this time of the year is that it feels like it is dark all the time. Never really daylight. Well, just a few more weeks now until winter solstice and then they days will be longer again.
My plan was to decrease the record shopping a few months now... Yeah right!!! First, the absolutely irresistable Black Sabbath box, really unnecassary but very cool. Ok, there's some radio documentaries that can be cool listening and the vinyl collectors guide was really interesting. Then I was offered to buy Eddie's Head box from Uffe. How could I say no to that. I've been really jealous of him because I wasn't fast enough to buy one when they were released. Then also, he's not that big a Maiden fan... But now it's MINE!!!
Last weekend Peter's parents came for a visit so I spent the week cleaning the flat and getting things together. It feels almost done now but looking at the pictures most of the rooms appear very bare so we really need to take action of getting the wall decoration up! I think both of us know what we want, just need to dig into it and go to IKEA to get frames.
THen preparing lunch, waiting for them to show up I managed to chop the tip of my finger off. Ok, not THAT bad but about 8mm in diameter of skin and quite deep. On the left hand of course and that's really bad since I need to practice guitar for the Cult Of The Fox gig... ARGH!!! But it has been healing well so now I'm back on track again... But I started to think, maybe these new flashy knives are too sharp for my best!
I'm sure, it's a vampire cat! Just look at the possessed eyes
But at least most of the furnitures are in place. The kitchen table and chairs turned out very nice. Also, my (really) old chairs suites quite ok in with the rest. Both in style and colour.
Guilty as sin
Then, a plan I've had for quite some time is to have some fresh herbs and spices as flowers in the kitchen window. And now when I'm home more I should be able to keep most of them alive for a few weeks. Istarted with Basil and Parsley. The Parsley started to look creaky very fast thourgh, a lot of bare shanks and no leafs on it. Apparently the cat really likes Parsley!!! I caught him in action chewing on my plant time after time... And then of course it all came up again so perhaps cats and Parsley isn't the best mix anyway.
The new couch is in place and now we can start to look for a rug for the floor and some colourful pillows. The cat didn't really like it but a furry blanket on his side did the trick. My old oak livingroom table suited the room perfeclty so we'll ahvwe a mission this summer fixing the finish on it. I left it, forgot it, on the balcony, first a few months in Gävle, then here in Borås so it's quite a mess. Really damaged by weather and wind. But it suites the room and the couch so it's worth fixing.
The sofa I got from my parents has moved into the music room together with the small livingroom table. Suites the room perfectly and that feels really cozy now. Just need to get rid of the last moving boxes and set up the computer for demo re3cording, amps and guitars as the finishing touch.
In the bedroom it's the most things to do. Curtains, another chest of drawers, rugs... Looks very chilly and bare at the picture. It's not really that bad in reality. But it sure as hell is nice with a separate bedroom.
Sunday afternoon, after Peter's parents left was spent chilling out on the couch, a really lazy day. Was quite long since we had a day doing nothing. The cat seemed to enjoy being back here too.
Getting back from Malta I felt a cold coming. I managed the first week but after the last weekend it hit me full on. Managed to drag myself to work on Monday but gave up after a few hours, coughing, snotting and sneezing. Don't really have time to be ill so it's a good thing I can work from home at times like these. But it sure was nice having the cat sleeping next to me, working a little, resting a little and then working some more again between the sneezes.
Now it will be a hard week catching up the guitar practice I've been missing out on due to the cut!!! Not too much an issue though, will be fun! Yeah, also, I kicked life into my old Marshall JCM 800. There sure is something special about the Marshall sound. It wasn't too well though, started rattle and clank quite soon so I decided to send it to Tommy Folkesson for repair and modification. That's my christmas present for myself this year!!!

Getting back from Malta I felt a cold coming. I managed the first week but after the last weekend it hit me full on. Managed to drag myself to work on Monday but gave up after a few hours, coughing, snotting and sneezing. Don't really have time to be ill so it's a good thing I can work from home at times like these. But it sure was nice having the cat sleeping next to me, working a little, resting a little and then working some more again between the sneezes.
Now it will be a hard week catching up the guitar practice I've been missing out on due to the cut!!! Not too much an issue though, will be fun! Yeah, also, I kicked life into my old Marshall JCM 800. There sure is something special about the Marshall sound. It wasn't too well though, started rattle and clank quite soon so I decided to send it to Tommy Folkesson for repair and modification. That's my christmas present for myself this year!!!
NP: Brutal Hand - Purgatory's Rage
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