But the most important at the moment is the Jon Oliva's Pain tour. It felt really bad that I couldn't attend the DVD shoot when it was scheduled during the spring so no one was happier than me when they announced they had to move it to October! It's gonna be awesome!
Check out the Metal Temple Jon Oliva Interview
Then, at the same time we get the chance to see another favorite band of mine! Vicious Rumors
Then, at the same time we get the chance to see another favorite band of mine! Vicious Rumors
They're out on the road too at the same time and a few dates together with Circle II Cricle. A really great package for me, the new tunes from Circle II Circle sounds nice and Vicious Rumors are always Kick Ass live!
It's a little bit ironic though, I don't think there ever has been as many cool concerst and mini-festivals as it is now. Swordbrothers, Mario's Metal Meeting, Heavy Metal Maniacs, Hammer Of Doom, Play It Loud... The list goes on and on and I would love to go to all of them but it's not possible to bounce off to Germany every second weekend... Unfortunately...
Du vet väl att vi har ett Ticnet-kontor i Borås? Det ligger i turistbyrån...