A cool cat needs cool gear
It’s really nice to have a cat. This morning he started meowing after the second snooze, really time to get up then he thought. But before he was sleeping peacefully right next to me. Then it’s time to play trip over the cat out to the kitchen. It sure is one hungry kitty once he’s out of bed. And it’s the same procedure when I’m coming home after work. He is walking in an eight around my feet purring like crazy and that makes it really hard to move. Ok, first he plays a little catch with the shoe laces. Because shoe laces are the most fun thing in the world. Really strings or cord of any kind is really much fun. My training pants with cords round the feet get attacked several time each day. The fun thing though, the shoe laces he CAN play with and chew on and it doesn’t matter, those are not at all as much fun.
Cozy day on the couch
But he’s really behaving, he’s a really good and cute cat!!! No problems at all this far, be just got a little anxious later on but when we made space for him on the couch he just jumped up there and fell asleep and after that it hasn’t been any problems at all! He seems to like it in Borås
There sure is a lot to look at outside
Then of course it was time to clear more things in the flat. The Vinyls are up so this weekend we took on the CD's. I'd done a calculation, that if we bought 4 Billy's with the extra top and filled it with extra shelves those would take about 4700 CD's. Great, everything would fit...
First the lists needed to be updated though since the HUGE package from Ginza arrived the same day as the cat. The sale was great I think, a lot of good stuff at great prices. Still it feels a little strange to reduce the price of a 2 month old record to half price. I'm not really complaining though... The package was GREAT and it will take a few weeks before I've gone through it all.

I also got another package a few days before the big one. The new Iron Maiden album, new Accept, latest from Grand Magus on vinyl and a little more. I also decided to complete the Motörhead collection on LP so I ordered the newer ones which I for some reason didn't buy on LP when they were relased. Most of the were not availabe and put on backorder. Doesn't matter so much, at least better they do that rather than keep me waiting for everything.
We tarted sorting the CD's about the same way as the LP's... We realized quite quickly all wasn't going to fit into these shelves. Ok, we didn't squeeze in as many extra shelves as I counted on but still. I never expected them to fill this quickly... Three ones and we finished N... There's NO WAY O-Z will fit in the last one.
Saturday morning it was really nice weather so we decieded to go for a walk. My coworkers told me about a footpath just around the corner, the murder trail.... Apparently a girl was killed there about 20 years ago. Scary for sure but we can't really think about that now!
Look behind you before walkingthe murdertrail
No one of us really had a clue where to go but we decided on the way. The forest looked so cozy and green. It was long since I last walked in the forest. We also tried to look for some chantarells but I think other "hunters" found them before us.
The main purpose was still just to get out and walk a little. Well, since we didn't know where the paths headed the stroll in the woods lasted for almost 2 hours.
But it was nice and we found some really cool or pretty scenarios. The huge lumps of rock fitted between the trees would fit any doom, death, black, troll-band...
Peter looked like a kid in a candy store and started to climb on the rocks. But I agree, it was a really cool place.
We also found a little lake on the way. The best thing with it is that it's right outside the door. It's so easy to go out in the woods for a little while, not even 2 minues away. And REAL forest too, not as the park in Gävle at all.
Again the weekened passed a little too fast. It's actually a little scary how fast time flies these days. It feels like I haven't even started on the list of what I'd planned at work and at home for this week and it's Friday again tomorrow. Sure, it's when the work-day passes fast but everything else, that's not as good. I need to make sure I get longer afternoons at home after work. Especially since I'm going to pick up the keyes to the rehearseroom tomorrow. Yep, time to start playing some guitar again! That will be fun! The thing is, the new bed is a little too comfortable and that makes it so hard to get out of it in the mornings... Need to shape up so I get home earlier! I HAVE TO!
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