I still really wonder where the summer went? I'm still catching up from the Festivals, and it feels like it was a few weeks back we packed the tent and left the Headbangers Open Air camping ground and headed for the Afterparty in Itzehoe. But last weekend the weather report talked about snow chaos in the north and in the middle of Sweden the temperature was below 0. I'm not ready for winter yet! Don't want winter now already!!!
Last week UDO played @ Trägår'n in Gothenburg and at that time too they warned about traffic chaos. Ok, no snow but heavy rain showers and the weather was quite freaky. The raincloud was so low it almost became completely dark when I drowe in to Gothenburg. Ok. that happens but the edge of the storm never is as sharp as it was. After the edge the sky was blue and sun shining!

The UDO concert was great (as always) but that's another story. The cool thing I have to mention though is that he played a very long set and a lot of UDO songs and a dfferent selection of ACCEPT songs, which I think is really cool. But more about that on Metal Kaoz later.
Last weekend it was really nice weather though. ok, we worked hard with both Void Moon and Cult Of The Fox rehearsals. The Void Moon one dragged over 5 hours so we had barely time to get ready for the Wrestling. Yep, again a very nice event and they really are getting better and better. Can be a nice twist now to as the conspiracy tightens, as Scandinavian Shiva rescued Manimal from his sadistic keeper...
Anyway, Sunday afternoon we had the chance to take a walk in the sun at least. It was such a nice day, really warm. Just these last few summer days! It's so nice to just stroll around and watch the life around.

Then I found something quite cool strolling the airport in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Yep, I've been there once more this year. This time hardly planned and all work. Still it's nice to get out of the office even if it means more work. These small fellas was in the show window of a ridiculously expensive jewelry store.

The strange thing with that airport is that don't have much shopping at all. The stores they have are either crazy expensive or just junky turist last minute buy. No real restaurants, just some sandwich bar or a pub with a snack menu. Not very fancy, but the local beer tasted nice.
This weekend I've spent complaining about my cold! I think the fever is gone now so I suppose I have to drag myself to work tomorrow. Have the day booked to 120% too, that sucks. I think the best thing would have been to work from home tomorrow too. I've been doing that today even if I should have stayed in bed. But at least I don't get another day behind this way. Tomorrow there's just too many meetings and I have no chance to reschedule to later in the week either. It really isn't fun with a schedule this packed even if work feels better now than it has for a while.
Well, back to the Metal Kaoz stuff....
Last week UDO played @ Trägår'n in Gothenburg and at that time too they warned about traffic chaos. Ok, no snow but heavy rain showers and the weather was quite freaky. The raincloud was so low it almost became completely dark when I drowe in to Gothenburg. Ok. that happens but the edge of the storm never is as sharp as it was. After the edge the sky was blue and sun shining!

The UDO concert was great (as always) but that's another story. The cool thing I have to mention though is that he played a very long set and a lot of UDO songs and a dfferent selection of ACCEPT songs, which I think is really cool. But more about that on Metal Kaoz later.
Last weekend it was really nice weather though. ok, we worked hard with both Void Moon and Cult Of The Fox rehearsals. The Void Moon one dragged over 5 hours so we had barely time to get ready for the Wrestling. Yep, again a very nice event and they really are getting better and better. Can be a nice twist now to as the conspiracy tightens, as Scandinavian Shiva rescued Manimal from his sadistic keeper...
Anyway, Sunday afternoon we had the chance to take a walk in the sun at least. It was such a nice day, really warm. Just these last few summer days! It's so nice to just stroll around and watch the life around.

Then I found something quite cool strolling the airport in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Yep, I've been there once more this year. This time hardly planned and all work. Still it's nice to get out of the office even if it means more work. These small fellas was in the show window of a ridiculously expensive jewelry store.

The strange thing with that airport is that don't have much shopping at all. The stores they have are either crazy expensive or just junky turist last minute buy. No real restaurants, just some sandwich bar or a pub with a snack menu. Not very fancy, but the local beer tasted nice.
This weekend I've spent complaining about my cold! I think the fever is gone now so I suppose I have to drag myself to work tomorrow. Have the day booked to 120% too, that sucks. I think the best thing would have been to work from home tomorrow too. I've been doing that today even if I should have stayed in bed. But at least I don't get another day behind this way. Tomorrow there's just too many meetings and I have no chance to reschedule to later in the week either. It really isn't fun with a schedule this packed even if work feels better now than it has for a while.
Well, back to the Metal Kaoz stuff....
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