The fall is coming! Soon the leafs on the trees will be sparking in colours. I really likethe crisp and clear air this time of the year. But soon it will be really dark and rainy.
Green turns to red
I spent the weekend in Sandviken celebrating my mom's birthday. The downside with that was my cold, wasn't feeling good at all when I arrived Friday night, so the planned trip to Monster to see Tad Morose and Loch Vostok was cancelled. A little unfortunate because I was looking forward to meet a lot of friends and see some good music. My parents were happy I stayed home the whole weekend though!
After and early night I woke up early, first because I normally don't sleep more than 8 hours and then because it sounded like someone was breaking in through one of the windows in my room. First I didn't even know if I should dare to look. It sounded like an elephant was landing on the window ledge and dragging a chain over it. I gathered my courage and opened the blinds. Two Magpies flapped away, landed on the lawn and started croaking... I think I've been living in the city for too long!
But opening the sun-blinds I saw the outside, an amazing foggy fall morning. I just had to get out and take some pictures. I realized that nature photgraphy perhaps isn't my strongest side but shame on the one who gives up! I didn't really managed to catch the sun breaking through the fog over the tree-line... But it looked quite cool anyway!
Then I'd promised my parents to help them clean out some in storage connected to the garage. So we filled the car, left some at the container for red cross and then headed to the garbage station. Was a really quick fix, not too crowded!
Mom and Dad in their car, heading for Högbo
Since everything went so smooth and the sun finally broke through the mist we decided to take a little drive. First a little tour to Högbo. I've spent a lot of time there. First when I was really small walking around the lake, swimming, skiing, running and other sports. Then later, there wer the infamous Summer Discos... Everything looked just as I remembered it!
The outdoor dancefloor in the middle behind the red barns
We continued a little further north and drove by another place where I've been hanging out "on the beach" a few times. Cool to see it again, it was quite a while since I last were at these places.
The lake Öjaren
The thing though, everything looked MUCH MUCH smaller than I remembered it. But I guess that's common. The discos was in the beginning of the 90's and swimming in the lake was even earlier.
Back at my parents place I started to explore my new toy-camera! Mio the cat is a little more willing model than Strumpan. He enjoyed his time in the afternoon sun when I started to harrass him with the camera.

Here kitty, kitty....
Then I found another creature inside the house... Creepy, crawly spider....
It was really one cm from toe to toe but the Macro effect did a great job. It really looks like a horror movie if you don't know that the spots around it is pretty unnoticable patterns in the floor and the "rocks" around its legs is tiny little breadcrums!!!!
This is the full picture, the spider is about 2 cm's away from the lens...
But I must say I'm very satisfied with my Nikon Coolpix S8000. The landscape pictures looked good, the partypics ok, outdoor portraits amazing and the macro... Well, don't need to say more about that one!!!
The weekend passed really fast and the train ride back to Borås too! I managed to catch up some on the Metal Temple jobs. A good thing because the new list of promos available for review were HUGE and amazing. It will be an expensive fall if I shall buy all the Records I want... I'm really looking forward to Forbidden, Helstar, Helloween, Virgin Steele to mention a few!

Train food-art
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