So, the Festival season continues. This time with Getaway Rock Festival at home... Yep, home in Gävle. It's pretty amazing that something happens as close that it's possible to walk home at the end of the night. I can highly recommend this Festival to any Metal Head next year. Everything was very close to perfect and this was the FIRST Year!!! The promoters shall have endless credits for a job well done.
But to build up for days of Metal and Party I had to make sure everyone got a really good breakast. The boys from Borås (Sandared really) came to visit, Uffe and Stefan stayed in my flat together with me and Peter and Tony and Daniel checked in to Scandic West. And what can be better than Yoghurt with a tiger on it. Peter was thrilled but the others looked skeptic, they looked exactly the same when I offered them Fjällyoghort too so I doubt it was the Milko Tiger stuff that tasted pear that as the problem. I think it tasted nice but perhaps better as desert than breakfast.
But to build up for days of Metal and Party I had to make sure everyone got a really good breakast. The boys from Borås (Sandared really) came to visit, Uffe and Stefan stayed in my flat together with me and Peter and Tony and Daniel checked in to Scandic West. And what can be better than Yoghurt with a tiger on it. Peter was thrilled but the others looked skeptic, they looked exactly the same when I offered them Fjällyoghort too so I doubt it was the Milko Tiger stuff that tasted pear that as the problem. I think it tasted nice but perhaps better as desert than breakfast.
Just look at the boxes, these are bound to cheer you up in the morning!!! Doubtless!
We checked in to the Press area and made it to the Festival just in time for Wolf. All of us thought it was quite bold to start the concerts at lunch-time the first day already. I doubt we were the only ones, the place could have been more crowded but it wasn't empty at least.

Sunny weather and great music makes the beer nerve itch. Luckily (or perhaps unlucky) the beertents were placed so we could watch everything while drinking beer! Another great thing with the festival. Places to sit, in the shade or in the sun to eat, drink or just hang out. And a lot of them.

But of course the main focus was on the bands. It was a great set up there as well. Perhaps the indoor stage could have had more lights because it was very hard to get any pictures at all in there. That place got hotter than hell too but that's just a minor issue.

The thing with the indoor stage though was that I forgot several times that it actually existed. Ok, my main schedule was on the bigger stages. Plus that the nice people from Triada set me up with a few interviews so I was very busy all the time really rather than anything else.
Even if it was walking distance home none of us were especially up for that after a full day at the Festival. The first day we got a cab with no meter in it. Don't care so much about that, what could that guy have done with me, Peter, Stefan and Uffe in the car. The trip was cheap and fast so all good there.
The next day... I don't know... That was the party night, I mean, it's so easy to drink a lot of beer and listen to Motörhead but I doubt we were the drunk ones in the car. The guy babbled something about first day of vacation, got no control of the meter and had not one clue what so ever what was left and what was right. Need I say he didn't find his way to my flat? We got home safe then too and it was fairly cheap!

It got a little fuzzy in the end but this I can blame on the photographer at least!
The last night Stefan drove home, no beer for him that night and I must say it's crazy to sit in the backseat of my car. We had parked that one close to the festival to have some place to keep some extra clothers and beer. Tony really enjoyed his superhot Sofiero ones I can tell you!!!
There were a lot of great bands playing too of course but the report about that, together with the interviews will end up at Metal Temple in a week or two.
There were a lot of great bands playing too of course but the report about that, together with the interviews will end up at Metal Temple in a week or two.

Teenage nostalgia?
But, the absolute highlight was Overkill. Their latest album "Ironbound" is absolutely one of the best released this year at this point and they seem to have gotten new inspiration to play because they're better than ever.
Motörhead was ok too! It's had to get supercharged after seeing a band over 30 times but I absolutely still enjoy to see them. It actually felt like it was ages ago now.
The biggest surprise came from Devildriver. I jut checked them out before the Festival and got quite stunned by their "Pray For Villains" so I did a short research and more by chance signed up for an interview. Perhaps not the smartest thing in the world but the cool thing about that was the impression I got about Dez, absolutely amazing guy. After meeting him you really can't do anything but love the band. They put on a great live show too!
Anyway, it was a very nice weekend. Great company, cool bands, sunny weather. Everything was just nice and easy. That's the way a Festival should be! So horns up for Getaway Rock Festival! No sleep till Getaway 2011????
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