tisdag 26 maj 2015

Ride into the Sun

It's so nice that it starts to feel like summer now. The garden is green and there's no need to wear a jacket anymore! That's a like!
Also, I've worked a lot lately so I'll have thursday and Friday off both this and next week. That's good, Muskelrock now with Portrait, The Rods, Anvil, Ashbury, Tyranex and more...
Next week it's first Vicious Rumors in Leiden. And if I would have checked a bit better before booking everything it would have been damn cool to see Helloween with Powerized opening for them. Two great bands for sure.
After that little trip we'll spend one day at SRF. Crazy good line-up for Saturday and I just realized Refuge plays that day too, another YEY!! Gonna be fun.

Then what? Having training sessions with the Pakistani team, my boss denied a trip there so we'll run sessions from 6am to 2pm Swedish time... Wonder if I'll be alive for that! :-P
And the week after, on-site Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. Since online isn't an option. Hectic but interesting and sure more inspiring than days in the office.

I explored the Dead Sea products today also. Facemask, mud... Awesome! Really strange since it felt ice-cold the first 15 min on... Like it! The creams has been good too... Another expensive habit to the list. *s*

Speaking of that. Get to pick up a package from Ginza. So I need to be in Höör before 9 tomorrow night to pick it up!

And, Btw... Welcome to the Ball must be one of the best records ever...


torsdag 21 maj 2015

Shout at the Devil

Yeah... I know, it's old now this book. And sure, I've had it since it came out and then, I did my best to read it. I had such a hard time and got about 30 pages into the book.
Picking it up again I passed the last mark from the first try going from Lund to Kastrup and wait for my flight to Vienna.  Some hours that it... Think I worked on it for weeks last time.

Of course it feels good to see that my skills in English has developed during the years.

The book is really interesting though, even if I'm not that much of a Mötley Crüe fan. Still (as always) reading about a band I always get more interest in the band and an urge to listen, so I assume Shout At The Devil will spin when I get home Tomorrow after work.
And the book, Vince just left and John Corabi just joined. I guess the amazing part of the book has past but it still is very interesting and very well written.

Saturday it's time for Candlemass, feels strange without Leif of course but it will be fun. I'm also looking forward to the BBQ warm-up at Mark's and Ida's place before the show. Always good to hang out with nice people.

But before the show I'll have Friday evening at home. Didn't plan to BBQ but we'll see. Just saw the and on Facebook that Gunnaröds just got in some spring veggies and those are a perfect match with the grill... Onions, carrots, aspargus, Beatrice... Mmmm...

Add some mushrooms and perhaps it's time to check out if the raspberry chipotle sauce is anything to have...


onsdag 20 maj 2015

There's a place we all know...

But this time it's not Dynamo... You know, the Blind Fury track! Great record by the way.

So... I'm fortunate and have my job take me places I'd never go myself. This time Jordan and mainly Amman. We of course had the evenings going places and our colleagues didn't waste any time. Amman by Night tour watching The Citadel, Roman Square and a lot more. Went to splash around in the Dead Sea and of course the ancient city Petra. There are more similar places around the area and the guide took us to Small Petra also, same but smaller. The area around that place was amazing though. Desert with hills, real beduine campa herding camels and goats. (goats are very tasty Btw).

Petra was absolutely awesome. So cool to walk the 2-3km's in the hill passage down to the city and when the Treasury (building) appeared, damn.
We also discussed going to Wadi Rum which apparently is even more beautiful than Petra.

The Dead Sea was also special. Hade to taste the water of course and damn that's salty, almost painful and then i just touched the tip of my tounge, not even a drop. Like spoons and spoons of salt in one go. But the skin liked it, felt very fresh afterwards, natural loofa just by standing in the water.
The dudes at the shop hade it easy selling Dead Sea products (facemask, handcream, mudcream, hairmask, salt rub... And not BBQ rub this time.)

We also went to Mount Nebo, the Sanctuary of Moses and the say Jesus visiten the place 2000 years ago. I'm not religious in any way but history like this IS fascinating.

And of course, the food... Damn good all of it, even the Indian food! (visiting Jaipur years ago destroyed Indian food for me)

So it sure was a great experience. The atmosphere was a bit like Malta, relaxed and friendly and very open, like anything goes... Anything from black ghosts to bikini chicks and no one cared.
So Jordan sure get my "like" click at least.


tisdag 5 maj 2015

Finish what I started...

That seems to be very hard at the moment, at home, at work, everywhere. I have a lot of things that should be done or should have been done a long time ago. Ok, work has been rather smooth lately, it's just the last couple of weeks I can't find the peace and quiet time (or inspiration for that sake) to complete the documentation I should...
And of course, being away during the weeks makes it hard to work with pictures. Writing on the other hand is progressing, not finishing anything though... I'm also trying to finish the plans for this summer, which Festivals to go to and when to take some time off of work.

Muskelrock is first up now. That's going to be fun, a lot of good bands as always. I'm especially looking forward to see Ashbury again since I really enjoyed their show at KIT. Then Citron, Anvil, Tyranex, Portrait, The Rods, Ice Age and a few more.

I really hope the weather will be fine though since it can be damn cold in the evening at the end of may. No camping of course, Rådmannen in Alvesta is close and comfortable so there's no use suffering in a tent!!!

After Muskelrock we'll go to SwedenRock for one day, Saturday. The line-up is great and I have to see Exciter & Riot V again when they're as close as this. Then also Nuclear Assault, Ace Frehley, Judas Priest and a few more makes it worth the visit.

But, one more thing I need to squeeze in is a Vicious Rumors show. They only play a select few gigs and I have it hard to get it into my schedule. At this point Leiden is the one I'm aiming at.
Seems to be easy to get from Schipol to Leiden at least and it can be good for me to build some bonus points with KLM also. Plus they had very decent flights to Amsterdam... I just wonder how I should manage to squeeze in all work in between the Concerts and Festivals... 

The KIT weekend was great! So many cool shows it's hard to pick a favorite. That has normally been clear after each Festival but not this time. Riot V and Exciter are strong candidates but we'll see...

I've been trying to walk home from work on a few occasions lately when it hasn't been raining. I really hate the buses so an hour and 15 minutes walk is an easy trade. I get some time to listen to music. Today I picked up Vicious Rumors "Electric Punishment". It was a while since I last listened to that record and as with all Vicious Rumors records, when they've had some rest, I'm always surprised that they are better than I remembered. I think it has it all, the riffs, the fines, just as the classic albums. I'm really looking forward to some new stuff. I really liked Brian Allen but it will be very interesting to see what Nick can do. He sounded amazing live at least. Listening to music sure makes the walking easy at least.


NP: Vicious Rumors - Electric Punishment