I guess the title from the last blog (looooong ago) would have been very suitable here as well. This since, after a whole lot of crazy busy weeks I started to feel a little funky, this was last Friday and the last day of the work trip to Guildford, UK... Thought it was because of all fried food and lack of water (no, not too much beer since this was a work trip) but the nausea didn't go away, no matter how much water I drank. The weekend became a downward spiral to total misery, in the end I struggled the whole week just trying to keep the water in for 20 minutes at least. Of course Peter got a beat of the same so our first week together in the new house could have been cozier. Luckily there are more than one toilet in the house at least!!!

But the house is amazing! I guess everyone feels like this when one start to feel being at home in a new house. Everything is coming into place slowly but surely. One of the first mornings the temperature sank below 0 and the garden looked amazing this frosty and chilly morning. I just hope we will manage to keep the garden this pretty next year as well. Neither Peter nor me knows ANYTHING at all about this. But the former owners wrote down some instructions for us so as long as we manage to figure out which shrub is what we will be alright!
The view from my office at dawn isn't too bad either! And the other day, since I tried to work some between the visits to the secret place the neigbour cat came home with a stodge, parked himself nicely on their terrace table and chewed on something for at least 15 minutes...
Höör the town itself is really pretty too! Quite small, just over 15000 people in the whole area. But everything is available very close so that should be fine. Also the structure of the town is really cute. There's a lot of old houses, no real structured mass produced residental areas. Ok, not in the towncenter at least, the further out you go, of course it's there but that's further away from town than our house.
Really, the only thing on our list from what we wanted that we didn't get with this house was direct contact with nature, like the last house on the street and just fields or forest next to us. Nature isn't far away though and comparing that criteria to the convenience we got here, with 10 min walk to the trainstation and that walk through some really cute streets. Who can complain.
Last week the cat moved home also. He was a little confused at first, especially when me or Peter came back up from the basement or if he was in the kitchen or so and someone of us walking upstairs. But now, a week later he seems to have settled and roam the house keeping track of us. He also found a spot in the window where he sleeps when I'm working. That's very nice!
And of course he has his own chair at the kitchen table also!
But moving isn't all we have done these last few months. Of course moving was the biggest thing, frankly I almost paniced when I realized I had about 8 days of packing before the transport from Borås to Höör, this was mid September. So all days at home was working like crazy in the office, hurry home and try to squeeze as much as possible down into boxes in the evening before crashing into bed around midnight.
So the trips we had planned, even if they felt misplaced in the schedule were very welcome. First one was for the Dublin Doom Days to Ireland, mainly to see Argus. They kicked ass!!! Hour Of 13, Urfaust and a few more were really good as well.
We also managed to visit Phil Lynott's statue, the Guiness Museum and of course drink a hell lot of Guiness. Actually, we arrived Thursday evening, the day before the Festival and both me and Peter just wanted to go out for a Burger and a few pints before crashing into bed. Of to the Temple Bar area to find a pub. Yeah right, I think everyone in Dublin was out drinking this night.
All bars were completely packed, even the streets outside the pubs. When we finally found one with some space, they didn't serve any food at all. What the hell is this we thought... After a while we started to realize these banners everywhere, Arthur's day... Is there really a saint called Arthur? And why the hell are they offering 2 for the price of 1 on pints of Guiness everywhere? This was also stated on the Arthur's Day banners...
Sure, Mr Guiness's first name was of course Arthur and apparently this was the Brewery's 253 birthday. Apparently the Irish people liked the 250 anniversary so much they kept the day!!! Well, anyday is a good Guiness day, isn't it?
Then the move! Everyone thought we were crazy just shoveling everything into the house and off we went to Malta. But I can tell you that was a very good plan! Aching bodies and completely burnt out of all hard weeks of work prior to the move and of course the actual move it was SO NICE to get out of the plane at Malta facing blue skies and around +25 degrees.
I've said it before but it is worth mentioning again. Malta is a fantastic place to relax and just enjoy life. The food is cheap, the beer is good and the wine is fantastic. And of course, in November it still is warm enough to go swimming in the sea.
It was a little too windy the first few days though to challenge the cliffs outside the hotel. Of course, I don't need waves to cut myself on them. I manage without that... I guess I'll have a memory for life from Malta on my left knee and right foot.
But most days were spent just walking around in a slow pace sitting down here and there for some shakes, smoothies, beer, food, icecream or what ever.
And the Malta Doom Metal Festival of course!!! The Festival was just as nice as ever! Great bands and great people. One downside though was that Sorcerer messed up and missed their flight from Sweden. But there were other great bands to see. The Black, Hooded Priest, Forsaken, Mortalicum, Griffin Device... I actually think Griffin Device did the best gig of the whole Festival!
Perhaps most important withe whole Malta trip was the launch of the Void Moon album "On The Blackest Of Nights". Noel (thanks again man) arranged an interview in Maltese radio and a small releaseparty at V-Gen. Really cool!!!
So I guess it just is to start plan for another trip to Malta in a year!
Tomorrow it is time to go back to work for real! I hope I'm well enough now, sure I'm not sick anymore but not eating anything for almost a whole week takes its toll. Still can't eat in a normal way... So I guess it will be a tough week.