Or maybe it's only shoppers anonymous this time!!! The
Passat started to fall to pieces a while ago. And I realized the emission control system was in two pieces to start with so the car sounds like a
Harley around 1500rpm. Then the clutch was getting stuck, to fix that two cylinders in the gear system needed to be changed. And then the back breaks, rust and, and, and...

So getting back from
Headbangers Open Air the hunt for a new car started!!! My (and Peter's) final choise was a brand new Blue
KIA Ceed_SW. Almost as big as the
Passat but still to a quite fair price. A Diesel too and enviromental classified so it is Tax Free for 5 years. That's nice!
At first we were looking ant a
Huyndai but the seller messed up really bad so it didn't felt right to give him the trust. They had a car that could have been suitable, a year old. The car was out on cleaning when we got there so he promised to call me back the next day. First that took 2½ days for him to call back and then he's actually surprised when I ask the price of the car, if winter tyres was included, milage etc... It is black he said... Year right, only enthusiests and idots buy shiny black cars...
But the
KIA felt all right and all things around was smooth too so of Friday I get to pick it up!!!! Gonna be fun! And now maybe we can to
Trollhättan to see
Where Angels Suffer on Saturday too.
But the real shopping was in
Malmö!!! It has been great catches shopping for records in
Malmö lately. No exception this time. Of course, completely out of budget but hey, I can always make cheap lunches and live on "knäckebröd" util the next paycheck arrives... *s* Who can really resist a
Warlord LP
"Deliver Us", original at a really fair price! Then some
Vinne Moore,
Rough Cutt (really good one by the way),
Joe Lynn Turner and
Tygers Of Pan Tang and more got to follow me home!!! Also, the Picture 7" was about €2-3/each. that's crazy!!!
Another one I ordered a while ago was the fan edition of
Ken Hensley's "Blood On The Highway"... What a box!!! CD, DVD, T-shirt, guitar pick, letter, photo... That's very cool!

And to justify all the expensive LP's (ok, not more expensive than CD's) we finally took the time to look for a new vinyl player... My old one had some problems with the connections and the sound was always on and off. It wasn't really easy to find a suitable one though. Either they were VERY cheap and fully automatic (no chance to listen to one song over and over and that I can't not have) or very mych Hi-Fi and butt ugly. The one we settled for was all manual,

It really sounded SHIT to start with.
Peter tried all ways possible to get the sound even and adjust everything possible. Then just changing from AUX in to CD in and everything got perfect... Too strong signal for the AUX in... well done,
Peter!!! The CD worked fine in the AUX so I guess it will be a little confusing before I get used to the new settings. But it's GREAT to have a vinylplayer that I don't need to stroke and pet to get to work.
Now I'm waiting for a delivery from
TPL Records, some really nice vinyls in that one too!!!
NP: Warlord - Deliver Us