Well, there hasn't been much going on in here lately, there's a good reason for that!!! First, the situation at work has been worse than ever. It has been extremely busy days but a much better atmosphere than before christmas so the stress level hasn't been too bad. Still I've been completely exhausted when I get home in the evning.
The free time I've had has gone to practice guitar to be able to finish the recording of the Void Moon demo and the Cult Of The Fox album.
The first few copies of the new Void Moon demo "The Mourning Son" was tossed out/sold at Keep It True, coming back home again Peter dug into the Mix once more and adjusted the last few details. So now it's ready!!! The demo is available for download (or purchase) from the
Void Moon web-page, or the
Void Moon myspace.
The cover turned out quite cool I think, that little angel sure looks creepy!
Void Moon "The Mourning Son" cover Then Void Moon's first ever gig took place at the Dock's Rock's Festival in Malmö on May 14th. Just a small gig but it went well. The concert was audiotaped so perhaps a live sample will be posted somewhere in the future.
Tonight the second gig will take place. A little bit bigger this time, @ Club 666 together with Pagan Rites in Gothenburg. Gonna be a lot of fun. I'm supercharged!!!
Me and Jonas rocking outAt the Dock's Rocks Festival Cult Of The Fox played too! After these two gigs I realaized (again) how damn much I like to play live. And how different it feels to play with Cult Of The Fox and Void Moon, it's equally fun but the feeling is completely different. Really hard to describe it though. But one thing is sure, I really want to get out and play, so if anyone has any suggestions or offers about gigs, LET ME KNOW!!!
Cult Of The Fox on stageThe recordning of Cult Of The Fox's debut album "A Vow of Vengeance" has also been finished. It was a lot of work, even if I didn't participate in the other guys recordning very much. It was fun and a cool receipt that I actually managed to play it once, then double it without any really big problems. But as always, I would have wanted a little more time to work on the solos and some of the harmonies...
At the end of last week all files and information was put together and I went to Studio Fredman to hand it over for Mix and Mastering. First of all, it felt so cool just to be in that studio. Henrik greeted me and wanted to check that everything was in place before I left. It sure sounds very different without any effects what so ever.
Then Henrik tapped a little on the keyboard to the Studio Computer and the mixer went zzzziiiiip and everning sounded absolutely amazing. So it sure feels like a right choice to put some money into the mix.
Then of course all the rest for the album must be prepared too. Magnus girlfriend Anna has been working hard on the coverpainting. I've just seen one draft of it but that one, half done looked GREAT. Also the photosession in the woods turned out quite cool. Of course the sunny weather might not fit in completely but at least there will be a few pictures we can use (I mean, where all looks cool) with some editing.
Cult Of The Fox photosession in the woods
Then, a week after KIT I went to Berlin to see Vicious Rumors with today's line-up. Sure KIT was cool as hell but I'm not satisfied until I've seen at least one real concert of the tour. Unfortunately I only had the possibility to go to one this time...
Vicious Rumors live @ Halford in BerlinBut Berlin was a blast! Cool opening acts in Rainborn and The Outside but they didn't really stand a chance towards Vicious Rumors. Damn they're good live. And then, to be at the famous Halford Café was awesome too.
It's good they're coming back in the fall, then I'll be damned if I can't make it to more than one show.
And they kicked ass as usual, thanks guysVicious Rumors latest release "Razorback Killes" has gotten some really good reviews in Europe! Which it truly deserve. But in the Swedish magazines the reception wasn't as hot. Strange I think. Ok, the first time I listened to it I thought it was the best album in the world. Then it fell and felt quite flat for a while. But it was the same with "Warball" as well. After the killer show at KIT I kept listening to "Razorback Killers" all week and it kept growing and growing for each spin, again just as "Warball". So the conclusion is, the swedish reviewers didn't listen enough!!!
A Vicious Rumors package arrived in my mailbox
Well, time to get ready for the gig now! Make sure I have everything and that the guitars are in shape!!! By the way, it felt so great to play my new Black Beauty Mockingbird!!! And tonight, even better, I'll be able to use not only the guitar, my transplanted Marshall JCM-800 Head too! That will be KILLLER!!!!

NP: Vicious Rumors - Razorback Killers