So, we got the flat we wanted, the really nice and fairly newly renovated one in Hedvigsborg. Signed the papers last week and returned them to the landlord, also made a deal with the the person who has the flat right now to get the keyes in mid July so I can take care of some shopping before it's time to move. Just imagine the horror to NOT have a TV for a few days...
I really liked the fact that kitchen, balcony and living room almost was merged. It's going to be fun to squeeze in all record shelfs and everything in here. 85 sq m should be enough for both Peter's and my stuff... Right now I'm just trying to decide what to keep and what not to. The only bad thing with the flat though is that the Jon Oliva's Pain Backdrop won't fit anywhee...

Else there's 3 large rooms, black tiles on the kitchen floor and a huge closet to hide most anything in. The living room could have been a little bigger though but I think it will be ok. The Balcony is almost as an extra room, still open... But it will be nice in the summer!
I'm really looking forward to move now because my flat feels smaller each day now. And it's NOT fun to pack things. Think I had "fancy" glasses enough to lend to the Royal wedding... Also, as the realestate guy said, I have to make it look like a "real" flat for the photography... Else no one will buy it, and I really want to sell it now...
I also had a day, working from home... From Peter's place that is and got a taste of what's coming. In the new flat I will certainly not be in charge... It will be a little black hairy guy who's gonna set the rules. For example, I forgot to close the door to one of the closets and the cat made a run in there. When Peter looks at him and says "hey" Strumpan jumps out. I tried the same and he just turned his head and made it a little more comfortable for himself.

I doubt giving hime a nice dinner, the really fine Sheba - Tuna Fillet increase his respect for me...
Back to work I guess